Monthly Archives: March 2012

Embrace the Camera – One on One

It doesn’t happen often, but occasionally I get one-on-one time with a kiddo. It’s so neat to see how much they shine when they’re alone. Little aspects of their personalities that tend to get muddled together in the mussiness of life. I loved my one-on-one with Abbie and will need to make an effort to do more of those special times where it’s just me and one of the three.


Embrace the camera HERE with Emily!

Fall weather means more outdoor time!

Paraguayan summers and American winters have one thing in common: Cabin Fever.

We’ve been inside with AC for a few months and lately we have been feeling cooler weather, at least in the mornings.



Hooray for more outside time!

What we’re eating this week

Monday: Lentils, rice, salad

Tuesday: Pasta Caprese with 5 minute bread

Wednesday: Slow Cooker Bean Enchiladas

Thursday: Roast Chicken, mashed sweet potatoes, salad

Friday: White Chicken Chili, cornbread

Saturday: Leftovers

Sunday: Popcorn after church…easy peasy.

Three Little Ladies

My sister -in-law, Mj, makes really cute stuff! Lucky me, she sends me her goodies sometimes!  She named her company Three Little Ladies, which is appropriate seeing as that she has three daughters, just like moi.

Plenty of pretty long hair in our family to use lots of cute hairbows.

Even though my models were not in the mood to pose, we still managed some good pictures of the cute hairpieces. 

She also makes these really great tutus. My girls have played with their tutus so much! I’ve watched many ballets and and have even seen Super Hero Ballerinas.

The tutus are also really cute on babies…I’ve loaned them out to photographer friends who use them on babies for photo shoots. 

So…if there are any little ladies in your life looking for good quality-made in the USA-colorful-fun-afforable hair bows or tutus, I know just the person. And don’t be afraid to ask her for specific colors or ideas you might have, she recently made a friend of mine a tutu that looked like a strawberry. True story!

THREE LITTLE LADIES on Facebook (LIKE and share, please!)


Embrace The Camera

For today’s Embrace the camera let’s talk about hair.

I love having short, short hair. It’s my favorite. Sometimes though I think that I need to grow it out again because longer hair looks better on younger women (or so I’ve heard.) So are my long hair days coming to an end? (Yes, I know this is all ridiculous talk) Every few weeks I head into my salon determined to explain how I’m going to grow it out and “just a little trim, please” but then I look in the mirror and realize that long has to be fixed, done, straightened or curled. And if you don’t do it it goes into a ponytail. Nothing against ponytails but I’ve done them for years. So, “just a little trim” turns into “cut almost all of it off, please.” every time.

I may never have long hair again and for today I’m totally fine with it.

Go Embrace the camera with Emily here!

Bedroom Makeover

Feeling very brave and confident, I decided to paint stripes in our bedroom wall. Er…I asked my husband to do so for me, is what I meant to say.

And look how great they turned out! Taping wasn’t nearly as bad as we thought it would be, only took us about an hour or so, and the one liter can of paint cost all of  $8.00.  We painted on our day off and were very pleased with the results. 

When I first posted pictures of our house on Facebook it was during its “does anyone love me stage?” We happened to move in during a time when Lexi was at her extreme toddler power. She was everywhere, and the house, while beautifully constructed, was looking bare. We’re just now, finally, getting around to doing some things here and there. 

Of course, there are still things that need to be done, but I’m quickly learning that there will always be something needing done. 

Not seen in picture: cup of raisins spilled all over rug, basket of board games pushed against window, and shoes in front of door.

(Celebrating because the bed is actually made!)

Happy birthday to me!

Last Saturday was my birthday and it was pretty near perfect. Yes, my 27th birthday was just what I had hoped for. My 26th birthday was horrible, it involved paying someone $500 for work they didn’t do and a very bad migraine headache. I think I also cried and said things like, “please, can we leave here? please?.” Not one of my finest moments, just being real.

However, fast forward a year and we’re in our own home, my birthday rolls around and I get served breakfast in bed by a whole bunch of cuties.

“Mommy, we burnt the toast, but you like burnt toast, right?” OF COURSE I DO!

Brian made me this awesome, awesome, magnetic makeup board. Something I saw on Pinterest and had to have.  How to make your own, HERE.

Then, my absolute favorite part! My parents took all three girls to the mall (no easy task!) and let them pick out gifts for me. They gave me the glitteriest, fanciest, and sparkliest jewelry you’ve ever seen. Their original choices were

Elena: A $200 pair of hot pink high heels

Abbie: A bright red, plastic heart toothbrush holder that attaches to walls.

Lexi: The pink Barbie scooter

My mom talked them into choosing jewelry.

Then Brian and I taped our bedroom walls in preparation for stripes! More on that later this week. And I ate way too much homemade chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. It was perfect.

And unlike last year, there was no crying.

What we’re eating this week.

Monday: New Mexico Pork Chili (had this a few weeks ago, froze some and re-heated for tonight’s dinner. It’s great!)

Tuesday: Crock Pot Chicken Parmesan

Wednesday: Kidney Bean Curry (carried over from last week.)

Thursday: A cookout with friends or maybe some pasta salad.

Friday: Bean and Bacon Soup

Saturday: Leftovers

Sunday: Nachos


What are you eating this week?

We’ve moved! Glad you found us! Blogger has been driving me crazy lately and after researching a few blog hosting sites I chose WordPress feeling it would do better justice to my pictures. If small pictures of Lexi Joy are cute, bigger ones are better, right? So stick around and make sure you don’t miss out an any of the fun. Or something like that…