Monthly Archives: February 2009

Self Portrait Saturday

My daughters aren’t the only ones who enjoy creating.
Here I am helping them make pirate hats out of newspaper.
Argggh, Matey.
Have a great weekend.

What I love: Photography

Today I’m very thankful for a beautiful girl who posed for HOURS without complaining once.
I was able to practice many different techniques with my camera and got some really cool shots.

She was so happy with the results, she asked me to shoot her upcoming wedding. I of course jumped at the opportunity and can’t wait to see how those pics turn out.

I love photography, I always have.

I love living in a country full of beautiful, friendly people who are willing to take a chance with my photography.

Three of her co-workers want to do an in-love shoot as well…one problem…they don’t have a guy! 🙂

Harvest Loaf

I realize that Thanksgiving has come and gone, but this recipe is good anytime of the year.
I had never eaten chocolate with pumpkin…turns out it’s a perfect combo.
Plus: Orange batter looks really cool.

Recipe for Harvest Loaf.

Potatoe Lady Bug

Aren’t these the cutest? Instructions here.

7:32 AM

7:32 AM starts off with cries of, “Mommy! Your babies are awake!”
Then there are diapers to change, sippie cups to fill and squeezes to give.
The Abster asks for a hug first thing in the morning.
The Fripits asks if she can watch Silly Man (Her name for Bill Cosby on the Cosby Show. It’s her favorite right now) She always asks, and I always say no.
We have breakfast, we sing songs, we eat Fruit Loops or maybe scrambled eggs, or maybe oatmeal.
We talk about our dreams from the night before, we talk about what chores need to be done.

We hug Daddy and give him kisses.

And that is how we start our days.

First In Love Shoot

I recently finished my first “in love” shoot for a young, Paraguayan couple. There are 351 GREAT shots, some of which I now need to edit and deliver to them before their upcoming wedding. All of my free internet time (aka. blogging time) is being put on hold so I can finish the editing process.

I’m taking a short blogging break, because the bride is a friend of mine and I want these pictures to be perfect for her.

I’ll be back to blogging again shortly!

Afternoon Rest

{I’ve been experimenting with self portraits lately. I plan on doing many more, so bear with me as you will be seeing many photos of the back of my head, my hands, maybe even my toes. Sorry.}
Every afternoon I drink coffee. I usually take my coffee cup to a favorite corner of my house and just absorb the naptime quietness. Sometimes I read, sometimes I blog, but usually I just sit.
Quiet is beautiful, but I’m glad it’s not an all day thing.
That would just be boring.

Play Dough Sculptures

A muffin tin full of pantry goods (corn kernels, dried spaghetti noodles, rice, etc.)
A blob of playdough.
Seconds of entertainment.

Grilled Pizza

Husband loves pizza.
Husband loves making pizza.
I love letting him make pizza once a week.
Especially if its on the grill.

Have all the toppings ready to go, by the grill. Cheese shredded, pizza sauce hot, sasauge cooked, onions and peppers sauteed.
Place your favorite pizza dough (raw) on the grill, allow the bottom side to cook for about 5 minutes or till nice brown grill marks show.
Flip over the dough, and quickly (QUICKLY NOW!) spread all toppings on.
Let cook for another five mintues or so, till lightly browned on the bottom and cheese is all melty.


I wish every day was Pizza Day…

Face Paint

Sometimes make-up isn’t enough.
Sometimes you have to paint your face.
It’s a jungle thing.