Monthly Archives: December 2012

Game night(s)

I’m thankful for friends to play games with late into the night. And no matter how spirited the discussion over Scattergories (Do people in England really eat something called Salad Cream?? Answer: Yes) the night always ends with plans to do it all again, as soon as possible. How about next week?



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Our Christmas tree is missing three branches, thanks to our new kitten! It is also slightly crooked, thanks to a wonky base! Most of the ornaments are  clustered in one large group, thanks to the children! BUT…it’s our tree. It’s our Christmas. And we like it. ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

Hello world.

We have so much to catch up on…it could take months. But the biggest news is that Lexi learned how to swim, with floaties on (of course). 

That’s the news so enjoy!ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage