Monthly Archives: November 2013

Another girl!

As most of you know, we are expecting Daughter Number Four sometime in January.
Most people here ask how Brian feels about having another girl.
Let’s face it, when it comes to McCobb’s he is seriously outnumbered.
But don’t worry about him too much.
He also has plenty of boys. 🙂
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I had forgotten fast internet was possible.

Our internet situation has changed recently and I might (but don’t get your hopes up!) have more time to blog. A small post could have taken up to an hour to load before, now it can go up in five minutes?! Five minutes I can do!

So, my first little run-down on the McCobb happenings:

We have three puppies in the house and here is Abbie being smothered to death by them, and enjoying every second of it.


These guys are keeping us hopping! School activities, birthdays, runs to the store for flip-flops, toothbrushes, paperwork, picking up donations. Their smiles make it all worth it. (And so does their occasional naughtiness. What can I say? I hear tales of their recess time scuffles and I can’t help but giggle. Kids will be kids.)ImageImage



Soledad leaves us in December, she will be moving to Argentina with her sister, this is a good thing for her…but I will miss her so much that I don’t really want to talk about it. (Also, no more wearing black at night for me. Flash photography, black dress…WHITE face!)


These three came over to goof around in some clothing donations that arrived the other day. Most of the sizes were too large for any of our kids here, but we plan on selling them and using the money for their school expenses. In the meantime, the outfits they put together are providing hours of entertainment. My storage room looks like a thrift store threw up in there, luckily I don’t see it when the door is closed. Hooray for easy clean-up!


So, let’s re-cap….lots of work, lots of kids, lots of puppies.

Life is good.
