Menu Monday

Monday is known as my Introverting Day. We have a slow paced school morning, and the only errand is grocery shopping which Brian does on his way back from teaching Bible.

I get to stay home and make menu plans in my pajamas, while recharging my batteries from all the “extroverting”  (I think I made that word up) that happens on weekends.

I love my weekends with all my different circles of friends, we are so blessed! But I also love my quiet Mondays with stacks of cookbooks, bowls of cereal, PBS cartoons, and “slow school.”

Here’s what we’re eating this week:


Pizza (I make a big batch of dough, and store it in the fridge for when I need it)                    Chili Dogs                                                                                                                                                  Sandwiches (x2)                                                                                                                                      Popcorn and fruit                                                                                                                                    Hummus and veggie sticks with crackers (I am on a hummus kick lately, it freezes beautifully!)                                                                                                                                             Leftovers


Mon. – Pork and Salsa Verde  (I think I will tweak this to use my Instant Pot)

Tue. – Black Bean Burritos

Wed. – Summer Garden Pasta

Thu. – Guiso de Arroz (I am usually gone all day Thursdays, so it’s Brian’s night to cook, and this is such an easy one we can both make it in our sleep)

Fri. – Homemade Pizza (A Friday night tradition, often joined by friends for this one. It’s kind of famous.)

Sat. – Israeli Salad over Hummus (There I go with the hummus again)

Sun. – Potluck “merienda” (snack) with our Young Marrieds community group from church

And now to write the grocery list!


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