Three Little Ladies

My sister -in-law, Mj, makes really cute stuff! Lucky me, she sends me her goodies sometimes!  She named her company Three Little Ladies, which is appropriate seeing as that she has three daughters, just like moi.

Plenty of pretty long hair in our family to use lots of cute hairbows.

Even though my models were not in the mood to pose, we still managed some good pictures of the cute hairpieces. 

She also makes these really great tutus. My girls have played with their tutus so much! I’ve watched many ballets and and have even seen Super Hero Ballerinas.

The tutus are also really cute on babies…I’ve loaned them out to photographer friends who use them on babies for photo shoots. 

So…if there are any little ladies in your life looking for good quality-made in the USA-colorful-fun-afforable hair bows or tutus, I know just the person. And don’t be afraid to ask her for specific colors or ideas you might have, she recently made a friend of mine a tutu that looked like a strawberry. True story!

THREE LITTLE LADIES on Facebook (LIKE and share, please!)


2 thoughts on “Three Little Ladies

  1. Pam says:

    great photos! I was so happy and surprised when I saw Bianca’s baby wearing an MJ creation! 🙂

  2. Brenda says:

    The girls are so pretty!

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