Monthly Archives: March 2013

When the Grumpies come to visit…

…we go outside and read books. Especially if the weather is nice. I figure if the kids can’t talk to each other without fighting then No More Talking! Just sit and listen to good, quality children’s literature.

Works (almost) every time.

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Things I don’t want to forget about my life right now.

May I never forget the day the girls decided to dress up like ballerinas. (And not squabble for a change!)



May I never forget that Elena wore this necklace and brooch (both gifts from Nanny) on her first day of school.



May I never forget how happy Lexi was when I made pink heart pancakes for Valentines Day, which is also our wedding anniversary, and this year fell on first day of school. It was kind of a big deal.



Lexi’s “Buzz Lightyear” birthday.

Lexi turned three on February 26th! She had a few requests:

– A Buzz Lightyear cake with purple frosting

– Little Bo Peep figurine from Toy Story (they are now collectibles and cost $250 on eBay. Request denied!)

– Sleepover at Grandma and Grandpas house. 

Since (almost) all her dreams came true, she had a very happy birthday. Image