Category Archives: Embrace The Camera

Embrace the Camera with Daddy

Today’s Embrace the Camera is all about Daddy and his girls.

(He grew up as the youngest of two boys, living in a male-dominated household and is now the only male in his home. He’s tough enough to take it though.)

Embrace the Camera

This weeks Embrace the Camera is all about my baby girl, Lexi.
We just found out that I am expecting baby 4!
I’m still early on in the pregnancy, not even throwing up yet, so it doesn’t quite feel real to me. Once my head is hanging in a toilet I’ll “feel” pregnant. 🙂
Thinking about the arrival of New Baby has me hugging on Current Baby a lot more.
Never have I had a child as attached to me as this little one.
We are, without a doubt, best friends.


How will she handle the change?
We shall see!
Go to Emily’s for more Embrace The Camera!

Determined to keep trying!

I am joining Emily’s Embrace the Camera again.
I am determined, DETERMINED, to take more pictures of myself and my husband with my kids.
And since the main purpose of this blog is for my girls to read in the future…Here girls, this is me! Twenty-six years old.
Next week I’ll try to include some of the kiddos (or the husband!) with me.

Embracing with my new do!



My wavy mane is gone and I have to say, I really don’t miss it. It’s cooler, and because I don’t have to do a single thing to it I get more time for the important things. Like posing in front of Photobooth with my girls.
Elena likes my new hair. She says it’s “really cool.”
Abbie did not like it. “You look like a different mommy.”
She’s getting used to it.
And seriously, if you’ve ever wanted a pixie cut, but have been too scared to get one, a piece of advice:
You will love it.

Embrace the silliness

We’ve been testing out areas around the house for photoshoots. Where is the best lighting? What backdrop to use? I’ve got some cool ideas I just hope I can transfer them from my head to reality. In the meantime, I have plenty of helpers which is slowing down the process. But, my helpers are also the models, so I can’t be too picky can I?

Embrace the camera…even at lunch!

Lunchtime can sometimes be pretty awful around here. I’m usually exhausted, people are hungry, Baby Girl is fussy, and even when the food is oh-so-simple (sandwiches, cheese, crackers) it still feels like such a chore to get it on the table. The last thing I want to do is take pictures, even if someone is actually doing something cute.
I just want a nap. And quiet. And real food that doesn’t involve me eating with my fingers.
But it’s worth it sometimes to set the camera up, tell the big girls to please, please, please just be patient for two more minutes while I snap a photo of me stealing sweet baby kisses.
My mother-in-law, who raised two little boys (18 months apart-yikes!) always says about those days “I only remember the good stuff.”
I will not mind one bit if I forget about the cranky sandwich lunches we’ll be having for the next few years, but I don’t want to forget those good moments.
There always is a little bit of sweet amidst the sour.
So take a picture of it! Even, dare I say, especially during the worst parts of your day. It might make things seem a little bit better.

Embracing the Camera!

The famous fish face with my Abbie.

(Mine is way better than hers but don’t tell her I said that!)

Embrace the Camera

When I stumbled upon the Anderson Crew blog I loved her idea of Embrace the Camera. I really do need to include myself in more photos, for the children’s sake. Here’s to hoping this idea sticks.

(Look at how cute my little Lexi Loo was…seems so long ago that she was that tiny. Now she crawls, pulls herself up, and eats finger food. Scary.)