Monthly Archives: May 2018


A little throwback to when we tried to get a photo of all the grandkids for my parents for Christmas.


Baby Cousin Samantha was having NONE.OF.IT.

(Kate was underwhelmed as well, obviously)


Still cute though.

Menu Plan Monday



Monday: Chili fries and a salad

Tuesday: Mustardy Pork Chops , salad, rice

Wednesday: Fresh Tomato Pasta Toss, french bread

Thursday: Black bean soup (from the freezer)

Friday: Pizza


Dinner, A Love Story

If you only ever buy one more cookbook, buy this one!

You won’t find anything out of the ordinary or super exotic. On Wednesday we had her meatloaf recipe, minus the spinach stuffing, because there are still children in this house and I just couldn’t deal with it on a Wednesday, and it was amazing. Was it the bacon? The extra tablespoon of ketchup? The balance of her ingredients? I don’t know, but it was an amazing meatloaf, and I’ve made many.

My family wants me to buy the rest of her books too, because we’ve all been so happy.

I don’t know Jenny, and probably never will. I just had to share a book that has had so much great success in our house.






It was staff photo day, and I can’t for the life of me remember what month this was taken in. I think it was Juneish 2016.  We had most of the children’s home staff present that day, not an easy feat with all the crazy schedules. House parents, administrative team, legal team, and missionary staff.



This was a few years back, so some faces have changed, and different roles have been taken. The memories are still sweet though, and fun to look back on.



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