Monthly Archives: June 2013

Pregnancy cravings – a la Paraguay!


I love that I have traveled to so many different countries and eaten so many different dishes. I love food, I love making food, and I love eating food.

But what happens when you’re pregnant in one country and craving food from another? Say, for example, off the top of my head, a spicy chicken sandwich from Chick Fil A?

In cases like these, Google is your friend. We made our own (it wasn’t the same, but it hit the spot.)

Thankfully, I haven’t craved too many Stateside things, but I have been craving any and all Paraguayan food. Convenient! I live in Paraguay!

Last night, while Brian was at our church’s youth group, I all of a sudden needed, NEEDED, “empanadas de mandioca.” Translated, that would be empanada made with yucca root flour. Granted, it doesn’t sound that appetizing in English, but they are crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside, and absolutely delicious. I wrote a quick Facebook status asking where I could find some thinking that I would be able to track them down the next day. Mandioca empanadas are a bit more difficult to make and not always as accessible as regular flour empanadas. BUT we are in the month of June which is when Paraguayans eat a lot of traditional food, ie. the mandioca empanada.

Minutes after posting about my little craving on Facebook, my phone begin to beep and ring. I was told where I could buy them, and did I need a ride to go get some? One woman offered to send her husband out to buy me my empanadas. This pregnant lady felt the love! My husband came to the rescue bringing home three, very hot, freshly made, crispy empanadas stuffed with delicious meat, in a little greasy brown bag.


So, tonight I’m thankful for empanadas, and so thankful to be surrounded by a community of people who are willing to send their husbands out into the cold Paraguayan winter night (on a motorcycle no less!) to get me my latest craving.

And now I’m thinking that a big bowl of Bori Bori Soup would really hit the spot…

What would YOU do for a donut?

Would you drive on a road like this?




The view at the top was definitely worth it, and the freshly made Krispy Kreme style donuts were a-maz-ing.DSC_0676


Our hosts, the Bowen family, fellow missionaries here in the lovely country of Paraguay made sure we all had a wonderful time, delicious food, and tired kids for the trip home.



And did I mention the donuts were delicious? Happy National Donut Day, last week!

Here’s the news!

Most of you know by now that our two biggest pieces of news. One, we moved! To a different house, different city, different ministry. Two, we’re expecting another baby! The move was a big change and really came as a surprise to us since we fully expected to live the rest of our lives in Ciudad del Este  (why else would we build a house there?) but as the old saying goes, “we make plans and God laughs.” 🙂  We are now in the small city of Itaugua living on a big piece of property that houses a Christian school and a children’s home for at-risk youth. There are thirty children here that we love and work with,  and the school has about 170 students that we are involved with as well. We are excited to be involved with the Iglesia Bautista Esperanza (Hope Baptist Church) as well! We help there by teaching and being a part of the leadership team. There are  lot of big plans for the future and we’re excited to see what God will do through us and in us here.

The girls are handling the move very well, they love going to school and playing in the park that is directly in front of our house.



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On Thursday nights we entertain all the children here at Hogar Ganar while their foster parents are in a financial course. It’s a lot of fun and very exhausting!

Thalia and Elena are quickly becoming good friends. Thalia just turned 15, more on that later!


Debora and Abbie waiting for the next game.

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Antonio is one of the cute little rascals that lives here at the Home. His favorite English word is “yes” and he loves our dog, Alice.


Since so many of you have been asking some of the same questions I thought I would answer them here:

Did you sell your house in Ciudad del Este? No, it was on the market for a while but now is being used by a Chilean missionary family. We are happy to know that the house is still being used for ministry purposes.

Who stayed with the new church plant in Ciudad del Este? My parents are still there filling the pastoral role, and they were able to find a new location to meet a few months before we even knew we were moving here. The church there is doing well and growing.

When is baby due and will it be another homebirth? Baby is due the first few weeks of January and if all stays healthy I would love another homebirth. I can’t wait to “share” my newborn with all the kids here at Hogar Ganar. They are all so excited and most are rooting for a little boy this time. (Although, we’re sure it’s another princess! Too early to tell yet.)